*This is a collaborative post.
Beyond the pleasures of a good tasting meal, food gives our bodies the strength and energy it needs to go through each day. Unfortunately, with the fast-paced nature of our modern world, so many people still leave their homes on empty stomachs. This group of people usually eat too much unhealthy food during the day as their cravings intensify. Others simply use the standard excuse of either not being “a breakfast person” or trying to lose weight. No matter your reason for skipping breakfast, according to health experts, this habit is a no-no as it comes with many health problems. So, do you have a habit of skipping breakfast? Are you looking for ways to incorporate breakfast into your fast-paced life? Here are some practical tips.
1. Prepare the night before
There are several reasons why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, many people miss it because they need to leave home quickly and in haste. So, if you anticipate a very fast-paced morning, take the time to set your table the night before. You can premake your breakfast and keep it in the refrigerator for the next morning. This way, all you need to do is heat it in a microwave if needed, while you prepare yourself for the day. But if you usually get home too tired to prepare anything, try setting time aside over the weekend to prepare your breakfast boxes for the week. You can store all your meals in storage bowls and keep them refrigerated until you need them. This way, all you need to do is grab your box from your refrigerator when heading out for the day.
2. Start with an organised kitchen
Many people may not be aware of this, but the state of your kitchen in the morning can significantly affect your ability to make a healthy breakfast when you wake up. A clean and organised kitchen offers a peaceful and calm environment to make your quick breakfast even when you are having a hectic morning. You are more likely to give up the whole idea of breakfast when you walk into a messy, disorganised, poorly kept kitchen that needs a lot of work. Even if you do not feel like preparing the night before, take a few minutes to ensure that your kitchen is cleaned thoroughly before going to bed. And when you do prepare your breakfast the night before, be sure to clean up after you.
3. Make your breakfast as simple as possible
Experts recommend taking breakfast every morning because it provides the body with the necessary nutrients and fuels the body for the day ahead. It also prevents you from overindulging later in the day as your hunger intensifies. Just like its name suggests, breakfast is a break from the overnight fasting period, and a healthy option replenishes your body with the essential nutrients, vitamins, and energy to keep you very alert throughout your day. If you are on a busy schedule, then keep your breakfasts as simple as possible; from instant pot oatmeal or avocado toast to yoghurt with fruit granola, your simple breakfast should take little to no time at all to prepare. And if you cannot wait for National Biscuit Day, go ahead and throw your favourite biscuit into your breakfast mix.
4. Shakes and smoothies
Not everyone prefers to have shakes in the morning, but you can have an easy, quick, and tasty breakfast on-the-go if you pick the right one. How do you choose the right one? There are so many shakes currently available on the market for achieving different purposes. There are shakes for weight loss, weight gain, options that are just processed food on the go. Depending on what your needs are, pick what is best for you.
This, however, means you should take the time to do a lot of research to be sure you settle for the right one. You can also use some types of shakes for a certain period, as most of the ingredients may contain a lot of artificial components. There are a variety of breakfast smoothies to choose from; the various blended combinations make for a powerhouse of nutrition. Be sure to measure out your ingredients accurately, and avoid adding sugar or excess fat. Also, avoid artificial ingredients, and focus only on healthy ingredients.
5. Grains are quick
If you are worried about running out of time in the morning, then grains can be a pretty quick breakfast option. You can garnish your whole-grain breakfast with some cherries, a slice of banana, or even a drizzle of honey, and you’re good to go. You can make this simple breakfast a few minutes before setting off or even take it along with you. Another simple whole-grain option for breakfast is oats. If you are pressed for time in the morning, you can prepare your oats overnight in a Mason jar or slow-cook it.
6. Wake up about 10 minutes earlier
The idea of waking up even a minute earlier than usual may sound very frustrating. However, getting up about 10 minutes earlier gives you a few minutes extra time to work with. You can use these few minutes to provide fuel for your body before the hustle and bustle begins. Therefore, although this option means cutting your sleep short by at least 10 minutes, it will be more than worth it during your day. Over time, your body will adjust naturally to this little change. Try setting your alarm about 10 minutes ahead of time to give you extra time to make and eat your breakfast.
7. Make your breakfast work-friendly
Sometimes, your mornings may be so super packed it’s a challenge to squeeze in some breakfast time – this is especially true if your mornings involve waking up your kids and getting them ready for school. But even that is no excuse not to give your body the fuel it needs for the day.
When you have such busy mornings, you can make your breakfast “work-friendly.” Making your breakfast work-friendly means that you pack your breakfast so you can eat it at work, but you also choose a meal option that would make it easy for you to eat at work. This also means that it should not be a nuisance to those you work with; the last thing you want is your breakfast drawing negative attention from those you work with – for example, the less strong aroma the food sens wafting in the air, the better. You can pack your bowl of oatmeal with you. The most important thing is to ensure that you can reheat your breakfast when you get to work. You can also opt for a protein shake or a nutritious smoothie in a stainless steel cup to ensure that it remains cool enough when you’re ready to eat.
8. Try a breakfast bar
You can also try serving a breakfast bar if you have a family that keeps you very busy in the mornings. Doing this makes it possible to prepare a stress-free, no-hustle breakfast. Plus, this is especially important if it is impossible to have your whole family gathered for breakfast, for example, if members of your family wake up at different times in the morning.
A breakfast bar follows the same concept as a hotel buffet, except this time, you are preparing it at home. Before you go to bed, prepare your dining table with the needed cups, cutlery, plates, or bowls. Next, make your breakfast items available on the table – muffins, bread, cereal, milk, fruits, bagels, etc. It is that easy.