*This is a collaborative post.
We can often think of our beauty regimen as a means of masking our flaws, or perhaps crafting the look we most want, but that’s not the case. The best beauty regimen is that which allows your natural self to shine, and your makeup or grooming routine should compliment you, not take away from you. It can be hard to accept this. You might have been using foundation to mask acne scars, or perhaps other self-assigned flaws you think you have. You might never leave the house without makeup because you feel it is your armour. You might feel as though without your beauty regimen, you cannot function. I know I have struggled with this in the past.
True beauty shines through when you accept yourself, supposed flaws and all. You are much more beautiful than you know. In fact, blemishes and other ‘flaws’ can often add character to you and if you know that, your confidence will beam. It’s worth noting, your beauty regime is not the only thing you can focus on to build confidence in yourself. Whilst covering your under eye circles may make you feel more beautiful, if you really want to make a profound difference in how confident you feel and how well you accept yourself, consider your overall health.
This doesn’t mean you need to be some shining pinnacle of care and attention, with the most chiselled body and most symmetrical features, however, letting your natural beauty shine (and not feeling ashamed to adorn yourself either) can create a new way of looking at yourself, that will be healthy through and through. This simply means that no good beauty regime is complete without a health regime to compliment it. Here are a few different ways you can improve your overall health:
First of all, it’s essential to understand the pressing need of mental health maintenance, and how without it, you will struggle to adapt to any form of beautification. Does this mean that those who suffer from illnesses cannot be beautiful? Of course not. In fact, there are many stunning people, inside and out, who battle with their mental health every day, coming up victorious some days, other days less so.
However, without exercising the core principles of mental health maintenance, it can be easy to fall down and feel less confident than you might have. No one can define exactly what that means for you, but it’s important to keep in mind a few things most people can benefit from. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress. Eating a healthy diet is also important for maintaining mental well-being. Getting enough sleep and spending time outdoors can also help improve your mental health. In addition, if you feel like your stress is one of the root causes your mental health is dragging, trying something like Delta 8 Gummies can also make a difference in how you feel overall. Taking steps to improve your mental health can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
Getting out in nature, exercising, meditating, reading or conducting some form of brain training and being able to feel comfortable in a social setting (even with just one friend) can help you sustain your mental health. Remember, beauty is a means of celebrating yourself and feeling good on the inside as you adorn the outside, so understanding how the redemptive power of this kind of health maintenance can translate to your beauty motivation can be a massive benefit to you.
Your skin is the largest organ you have and, of course, the most visually identifiable from day to day. But it’s much more than just a cosmetic material. It’s something that has profound effects on your health, especially during the heat of summer. For this reason, it’s very important to have a solid skincare regime. After all, makeup and other beauty products we use, while getting healthier to wear and use all the time, are not natural. For that reason, ensuring that your skin stays moisturised and adequately taken care of can help you provide a better canvas for your beauty aspirations.
What kinds of things should we be looking at to help us achieve this? Well, the answer is rather simple. Use excellent skincare products and know what goes into them. Educate yourself on the ingredients in your products and you’re halfway there.
There are certainly many options for skincare. For example, you can use CBD for skin issues like acne, but it’s about finding the right ingredients for your specific needs. If you have persistent acne, you may require a combination of therapies, but you could also benefit from the natural ingredients that have made their way into many everyday skin products.
An ingredient you should be looking out for in your skincare is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is mainly found in the connective tissues and fluids of the body. It helps to increase the moisture content in our skin, helps protect against environmental factors and promotes healing. For those reasons adding it to your skincare regime can be of major benefit to your skin health. Using mineral scrubs, exfoliating, and also supplementing your diet with Vitamin K and D can help your skin truly shine and glow – but mostly importantly – stay healthy.
There’s nothing less beautiful than feeling alone in a group of people. No matter how great you look or how preened you are, you won’t be able to embody it and celebrate yourself there. This is why true beauty only works if you actually have an environment you wish to celebrate yourself and others in.
For example, if you head out with your beautiful friends all the time and they’re all constantly comparing each other, you’re not going to feel beautiful. You’re going to feel as if you’re having to uphold some kind of artificial standard. You can never truly embody yourself, nor enjoy yourself.
This doesn’t lead you to being a magnetic person, but enjoying yourself does. Genuinely feeling your environment and who you’re with can. After all, there is much more to beauty than simply comparing how you’ve applied your makeup or how you’ve sculpted your brows, or what dress you’ve been wearing. Give yourself the freedom to allow your social needs to factor into your health. It could help you become much truer to yourself, and enjoy your life much more.
Let us be clear – you do not need to be in perfect shape or have a tiny waist to look beautiful. Far from it, but you do need to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself cardiovascularly fit and healthy can help you feel more confident in yourself, make you feel more energetic and help you stay alert.
Your hair, skin and bone maintenance will all be supported by fitness.Your optimism and outlook on life will improve. And yes, if you wish to, you can find yourself wearing items you might not have before thanks to your renewed body confidence. That’s a win-win, and it paints a view of exercise as much more than something you do to get away from yourself, but to accept yourself more and more.
With this advice, we hope you’re better able to understand that health maintenance is the root of all beauty.