This Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler is the perfect way to welcome a new season! Tart apples and juicy blackberries are married together and topped with soft fluffy Biscoff cobbler biscuits.
Hiya everyone, how are you? I’ve managed to bake for the first time in months and make this Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler to share with you today! It’s the perfect way to welcome Autumn; juicy blackberries and crisp apples are a match made in heaven. Then add on a fluffy Biscoff cobbler biscuit topping and you are in for a treat! You can also make it vegan like I did, or make it with dairy.
Last week was the best week I’ve had in about 8 weeks, mobility and pain wise. Progress in my recovery is still slow, but I am making progress which is great news. I’ve been able to walk for about 15-20 minutes with my walking stick recently. I hadn’t been able to walk that far since my hip pain started and it then became a much worse situation. I can also stand for my entire shower! I’m having bi-weekly checks with the haematology department and the nurse said I’m doing really well considering that my clots are “whoppers” (her words!) She also said that it will take months and months for these clots to go and it’s still early days in my recovery.
Whilst I’m able to be up a bit more round the house, I’m only able to be up for 15-20 mins before needing to elevate my leg again and sit down due to pain. The sofa has been painful for me to get up off of since I got home. However, I have now managed to spend half a day downstairs and it’s getting easier to get up. I’ve been building up slowly, starting off with half an hour, an hour, 2 hours etc. I still can’t get quite as comfortable on the sofa. So, when I’m resting I still rest in bed. I’m still not able to drive unfortunately. I tried getting in the car to switch cars on the drive with my husband and getting my left leg in and under the steering wheel is painful.
I’ll tell you what though… I already lived my life not entertaining negative people, but being so poorly you may lose a leg or die changes your perspective. Now it’s literally one bad vibe and I’m out. Life could be over tomorrow, so why bother with these people?
I read an interesting quote the other day – “accusations from narcissists are confessions” and my goodness YES! I’ve had way too many narcs in my life and the things they accuse me of are exactly the things they do. Like being a conflict starter… Even though I’ve never had a cross word with anyone or started anything. The worst thing I’ve done is say no. Narcissists love it when they’re in control and you’re playing along with their games. You say no and they can’t cope with it.
They love pitting people against each other, shit stirring, scheming, game playing, back stabbing, making rude remarks… Trying to create conflict. Me removing myself from the situation, does not mean I create conflict. It means I respect myself enough to know I don’t need people like that in my life. Narcs wreak havoc on lives and the best place for you to be is out of it. To them your emotions are a game.
Unfortunately, the thing with narcissists is that they cannot hack people who see through them either. So the attention seeking and games increase. My advice for you: Ignore it all. Yes, the silence and lack of reaction will drive them mad. However, they have no power over you if you don’t let them. They may have done before, but you don’t have to let them again.
I’m lucky to still be here and gaining my health back, so I’m going to enjoy my life. And make sure I’m only surrounded by people with my best interests at heart.
I love how easy and comforting cobblers are, the most time consuming part is peeling, coring and slicing the apples! I also made it vegan! However, I’ve made my cobbler toppings with eggs, cream, milk and butter before, so it’s easy to switch some of these ingredients back in. This particular recipe doesn’t use eggs or cream, I used Biscoff in lieu of an egg. However, you could still use dairy butter and milk if you’d rather. I used vegan butter and oat milk since I’m dairy free.
I love the way apples and blackberries go together. You get tender, tart apples, hints of brown sugar and cinnamon then bursts of sweet, slightly tart blackberries. The berries make most of the sauce and give it a beautiful deep purple colour.
I’ve never used Biscoff in a cobbler mixture before, but I would again. It adds an extra level to the flavour. Rich and earthy which perfectly compliments the fruit filling. If you’re not the biggest fan of Biscoff, don’t worry because in this form it doesn’t overpower anything, it just adds a hint of Biscoff goodness. My husband doesn’t like it, but he loves this Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler.
Since there’s cinnamon in the fruit mixture and Biscoff has hints of cinnamon and spices, they work together to create a sinfully delicious dessert. The cobbler topping is crunchy on top with a soft, fluffy interior juxtaposing the soft, juicy filling.
To make this Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler, you’ll need to make the fruit mixture first. I peeled, cored and sliced 4 medium sized apples and placed them in a medium sized bowl. I then tipped in the blackberries and added light brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and cornflour. Stir until all the fruit is coated in flour and sugar, then leave to one side. The sugar will start to macerate the berries and create a luscious sauce.
For the Biscoff cobbler topping I started by mixing flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together in another medium sized bowl. I melted the biscoff and vegan butter before adding both of those to the flour. When you mix the melted biscoff and butter in you’ll get a consistency like large breadcrumbs. Some bits will clump together into large lumps, some smaller lumps. This is fine. At this stage, it’s time to add 1/2-1tbsp of milk. You just want enough to bring it together into a soft dough. It will look like a biscuit dough at this stage.
I bake my cobblers in an 8×8 inch square pan. I spray the bottom with non stick spray, then tip the fruit mixture in. By this point, there should be a purple sauce. Make sure to get as much of this sauce as possible into your baking dish, it’s allll flavour!
I spread the fruit into an even layer and then use a dessert spoon to drop lumps of cobbler dough onto the fruit. Don’t worry about covering the fruit, bits peeking through is how it’s supposed to be. You could also use a cookie scoop, I have tried this before, but I wasn’t a fan. This is partly because it looks too uniform and partly because it means you barely cover the fruit and instead have thick bits of biscuit. I prefer it to be thinner, so the ratio of cobbler to fruit is right, but it’s personal choice of course.
This does take around 40-45 minutes to bake in the oven, you want to make sure all the apples are fork tender and the mixture is bubbling all over. The biscoff topping won’t change colour too much, since it’s already a deeper beige/brown colour than if you didn’t use Biscoff. However, you’ll notice some light browning and the top will feel firm if you tap it. If you break a bit off, you’ll see the inside is fluffy and baked. If you break a bit off and it looks wet inside, place back in the oven for 10 minutes.
I love to serve this Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler warm from the oven with vanilla ice cream. You can also use custard or cream to serve!

Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler
- 4 medium sized apples, I used Granny smith, but Bramley are great too. They're usually larger though, so I would only use 3 Bramley apples.
- 2 cups (300g) blackberries
- 1/2 cup (100g) light brown sugar
- 2 tbsp cornflour/cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup (140g) plain/all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup (100g) light brown sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup (100g) smooth biscoff,
- 1/2 stick (56g) butter, (I used Vegan butter, you can use normal butter)
- 1/2-1 tbsp milk, I used oat. Feel free to use dairy or non dairy
- Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and spray an 8×8 inch square pan with cooking spray.
- Make the fruit filling first. Peel, core and slice your apples into 2-3mm slices. Try and keep your slices as even as possible, so the apples cook at the same time. Place into a medium sized bowl.
- Add the blackberries, light brown sugar, cornflour, cinnamon and vanilla into the bowl with the apples and stir until all of the fruit is coated in flour and sugar. Leave to one side.
- Next, make the biscoff cobbler topping: Place the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a medium sized bowl. Place the biscoff in a small, heat proof bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. It should look like a Biscoff puddle!
- Place your butter/vegan butter into another small, heat proof bowl and microwave in 20 second increments, until melted.
- Add the melted biscoff and butter into your flour mixture and stir until well combined. You'll have some larger bits of dough and some smaller. It should look like very coarse breadcrumbs with a few large lumps.
- Add in the milk, 1/2 tbsp at a time (I needed the full 1tbsp) and mix until one large lump of dough forms. It will look like biscuit dough at this point, that's fine.
- Tip the fruit mixture into your prepared pan, making sure to get as much of the sauce as possible. Spread into an even layer.
- Taking a dessert spoon, spoon lumps of the cobbler dough onto the fruit. You don't want to cover the fruit completely, I sort of squished a bit of dough into the side of the bowl with my spoon, then dropped that onto the fruit, so the topping wasn't too thick.
- Alternatively, you can use a cookie scoop. However, I find that this makes the cobbler topping too thick, so you get this great big ball of dough and not enough fruit ratio. It looks and tastes better with the cobbler topping about 1/2-3/4 inch thick.
- Place the cobbler into the oven at 180C/350F for 35-40 minutes. Remove from the oven and use a fork to try and get a bit of apple from the centre. Test to see if the fork goes straight through the apple. If there's no resistance, they're cooked. Take a skewer and pierce the centre of the cobbler too. It should come out clean. If it's not done, it will come out with a few wet looking crumbs on.
- If the cobbler still looks a little wet inside and the apples aren't tender, turn the oven down to 160C/325F and bake for a further 10-15 minutes. Be aware that because the dough is quite brown anyway, it doesn't really go golden like a traditional dough does, so, it's harder to see when this cobbler topping is done! My cobbler took 35 mins at 180C/350F and 15 minutes at 160C/325F.
- Once the cobbler is baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes before serving. I love to serve this warm from the oven with vanilla ice cream. You can also serve with custard or cream.
- Apple Blackberry Biscoff Cobbler will keep covered, in the fridge, for 3 days. Bring up to room temperature to serve. However, I think it's best served warm. You can reheat servings in the microwave for 30-45 seconds.