*This is a collaborative post.
Many of us struggle with problematic skin issues. Whether that is acne, blemishes or dry skin. It doesn’t just hit teenagers, some adults can struggle with skin problems too. It can make a person feel very down and reduce self-esteem. It can especially have an effect on your body confidence. Nobody wants to feel bad about themselves and we all deserve the chance to feel confident in the skin we are in and feel good about ourselves.
Thankfully, it doesn’t have to always be this way and you don’t need to feel disheartened that your skin isn’t looking as good as it could. There are a few things you can do to treat problematic skin issues and try and combat the breakouts. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways you can treat problematic skin issues.

Don’t overwash your skin
I think the first thing most people would want to do is wash their face more often because of the increase in oil. But this can have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve. Washing your face dries it out more, especially by using certain soaps. So try and limit it. If your skin is drying out it causes your body to produce more oil to hydrate it, causing you further breakouts and problems. It is a vicious circle. Also, be mindful that very hot or too cold water can make acne worse. Always wash with lukewarm water.
Drink more water
You may want to start thinking about increasing your water intake. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that drinking more water can improve your skin tone and the way it looks. Water is a natural detox that will flush out your body of bad toxins, and this is what can build up inside and cause problems with your skin. Try increasing your intake each day and look out for the results. You will find that drinking as little as two litres of water a day regularly will give you great results. Not to mention improved sleep and increased energy levels.
Speak to your doctor
A doctor will be able to advise you on some of the medicated treatments and options you have for problematic skin. This can range from medicated facial washes, bath ointments and creams to tablets. They will always advise you on the best course of action for your particular type of acne or skin problem. It might not even be just your face that is struggling, there are different ways of back acne treatment you could try. What will work for someone else may not work for you, so make sure you seek some professional advice before trying anything. The last thing you want to do is make the problem worse.
Be aware this could be to do with your hormones
It’s quite common for women to develop acne due to their hormone levels. We can be complicated creatures afterall. If this is what you happen to be suffering from, then an appropriate hormonal birth control can be one way of combating the symptoms. Adding more hormones to your body could create the balance you body obviously craves. This may cause outbreaks to calm down or even stop completely. The best thing to do in this instance will be to find out if your hormones are to blame. You can then seek advice from professionals on the best course of action for you and your body.

Think about the food that you eat
There is no denying that the food we eat can cause problems with our skin. Things like eating a lot of junk food, sugary drinks and snacks and even an increased intake of alcohol can wreak havoc with our skin. We can end up with breakouts and spots. The best advice would be to look at the diet you have and start to make some positive changes. There are plenty of foods that are good for you and can help with blemishes, acne and other skin issues that you may face. A good look online will be able to highlight some of the best foods that you can add to your diet.
Exercise more regularly
You may not believe it, but exercise can actually help when it comes to your skin. Naturally, an increased level of activity will get the blood pumping around your body, which gives your body, all its organs and your skin much needed oxygen. The blood can also plump up your skin and help you to gain that natural glow. Sweat and clearing glands can also be good for you. Just as long as you cleanse and keep your skin clean after exercising. While it may help with energy levels and other areas of your life, exercise could help improve your skin.
Dermatology treatment
You may want to consider some other form of treatment. Surgical or non-surgical procedures could be a good option. This can help overcome any scarring that has occurred during any breakouts and also combats any of the route causes. You would be best to research all the dermatology options available to you. A professional would be able to offer a consultation and advice on some of the best methods to take. Sometimes even just a facial in your local salon could be enough to help circulate your skin and to aid with a more long term solution to healthier skin.
An at home remedy
Sometimes it’s just using simple ingredients that can make a big difference to problematic skin. There are plenty of home remedies online that offer advice on some of the best things to try. Things like honey and cinnamon face masks or using orange peel. Before trying anything though it would be worth making sure that they are recommended and not going to cause further problems. There are plenty of options to choose from and it could be an easier way to maintain a healthier glow once you have tackled the root causes of your problematic skin.
Let’s hope these tips help you treat any problematic skin issues.