A super food smoothie packed with apple and blueberry along with spinach and a little flax. Energy boosting and filling, this is the perfect smoothie to start your day off right!
Don’t be fooled by the colour of this smoothie.
I know, it looks a little like mud. That wasn’t the look I was going for, but hey ho we have to work with these things.
Am I the only one who, when you have an idea for a recipe, instantly gets a vision of how it will look?
This vision did not come to life. I was seeing bright, purple goodness with flecks of green from the spinach… a girl can dream.
Anyway, stay with me, because this smoothie is filled with super foods to get your day kick started!
If you’ve read this blog for a while, then you’ll know about the issues I have with food.
It’s still a roller coaster and a huge “work in progress” every single day and I still have problems with all the things I bake.
So, I thought I’d share a few healthy recipes with you, so that I don’t go mad in my little kitchen filled with cake and because it’s January and everyone is trying to be healthier!
This was the first time I’ve ever incorporated spinach into a smoothie and whilst you know it’s giving you a ton of good stuff, you can’t taste it, which is good because I’m a little veggie averse.
I really wish I loved more veg, but I just don’t. I’ve tried loads of different vegetables and whilst I eat a lot more than I used to, there are some I cannot stand; mushrooms? YUK
Cauliflower? Even worse.
But, I know that I can’t go through life avoiding vegetables unless I want to be unhealthy and deficient in an awful lot of things.
Enter fooling your taste-buds into thinking you’re eating sweet fruit.
When I was researching different ingredients to develop this smoothie, I found a bunch of great articles, all with at least 20 foods which are just great for us. Eggs, salmon, tomatoes, black beans…
Oats are in there too. REJOICE because I’m fairly sure my body is 50% oats nowadays – can’t get enough.
Apple and blueberry and flax and spinach… they’re all on these lists too, wanna know why?
Apples: Full of antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C.
Seems like “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” might be true after all!
Blueberries: Their deep colour is a result of them being full of flavonoids. They’re also good for anti-ageing. Which to be honest is every girl’s dream. Nobody wants to look like a wrinkly prune as they get older.
They’re also full of vitamins and minerals and it’s thought they help with memory function! Amazing what simple, little berries can do!
Spinach: Full of lots of things I don’t understand: beta-carotene, lutein etc… BUT some things I do – a cup of spinach has double your recommended requirement of vitamin K and it’s full of iron, antioxidants and vitamin C.
Flax Seeds: Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ll have seen that flax seeds are everywhere at the moment. They are full off omega-3’s, fibre, antioxidants, vitamin B6 and folate.
I also added in some Greek yoghurt, to make this smoothie ultra creamy and because it’s full of calcium.
All in all, this smoothie is tart, slightly sweet, creamy and it gave me a huge boost in energy. I’ve been having one of these a day before my workout and I’ve been feeling great. So, it’s not just for breakfast! Instead of grabbing out for unhealthy stuff after working out, blitz one of these together!
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Apple and Blueberry Power Smoothie
- 1 large apple, I used Granny Smith
- 1 cup (30g) Spinach
- 1 cup (160g) fresh blueberries
- 1/2 cup (120g) Fat free Greek Yoghurt
- 1/4 cup (60ml) water
- 1 tbsp flax seeds
- Natural sweetener, optional
- Peel apple if you prefer (I left the skin on) and slice into chunks.
- Place all ingredients into a large jug and blend with an immersion blender, or place ingredients into your blender and blitz until smooth.
- Serve immediately.