It’s Secret Recipe Club time again! Where is 2013 going?! I love doing the Secret Recipe club, but every month when I post, it really gives me a stark reminder that another month has flown by. Jeeeeeez, time needs to slow the heck down!
Tuna and Haloumi Pasta
Prosciutto Chicken
Dang it I miss my kitchen! 🙁 I haven’t been able to bake for over a week! It’s killing me, my brain is buzzing with loads of things to make and I’ve got 10+ new cookbooks I need to make things from! Stupid Uni, knew I shouldn’t have gone back this year.
Chicken Cobbler
Brrrr it’s suddenly got absolutely freezing here. At the start of the week there were floods everywhere and now we’re expecting snow tomorrow apparently!
Chicken Tikka Masala
As I’m sure you’re aware, I was really ill recently. I’m pleased to say I’m feeling 99% like myself again, I’m able to exercise and keep meals down, I sometimes have slightly off days, but I’m so much better.
Roasted Cod with Tomatoes and Peppers
I’m pleased to report I’ve almost finished my Christmas shopping! I nipped into town yesterday to get my wrapping paper from Paperchase. I just love their stuff, I always have their wrapping paper and Christmas cards. I know they’re expensive, but I don’t care they are so worth it!
Peperonata with Chicken
I like to think that I’m pretty calm and laid back most of the time. Sure, there are times I lose it and get cross, but generally I’m pretty calm and light hearted.