We just got our results from Uni and I passed my first year! I did very well overall gaining firsts and upper seconds in everything, bar one unit, which annoys me as I put 100% effort in. However, the results aren’t broken down at all so I have no idea what I received individually in…
Cheddar and Chive Scones & Another step in the right direction…
Sour Cream Pasta Bake
Afternoon! After a few people telling me that they were unable to comment on my posts, I’ve managed to sort it out, so it should be working for everyone now! 🙂 No idea what had happened, I hadn’t changed anything, guess it’s just one of those things that people who repel technology like me just don’t…
Billionaire Bars
Ok, so WOW. When I saw these I just knew I had to make them. I love millionaire bars (you know, the ones with shortbread, caramel & chocolate) well these have a layer of COOKIE DOUGH in between the caramel and the chocolate. :O C.O.O.K.I.E.D.O.U.G.H!
My Dad’s Fresh Strawberry Birthday Cake!
Cherry Scones
Evening, it’s been one of those days today, you know the kind of ones – where you should’ve stayed in bed all day and hidden away from everything and everyone. By 9am this morning, I had dropped yoghurt all over the floor, spilt milk, almost dropped my camera, almost chopped my finger off and almost…
KFC – Homestyle!
I’ve nearly done it…
A whole month of posting every day! (Well bar one day, when I did say I wouldn’t be able to post) I’ve really enjoyed making time in to write everyday. I hope that you feel you’ve learnt more about me as much as I’ve liked putting myself out there and opening up about my experiences.