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Gaining muscle is something that’s not only done through exercise. If you’re going to gain muscle effectively and efficiently, you also need to make sure that your diet is properly aligned with your health and fitness goals. There are some foods in particular that are very good for aiding muscle gain and strength; we’re going to talk more about those foods now, so read on to find out more.
Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a great source of protein and a food item that you should definitely be looking to get into your diet if you want to build muscle. It’s pure casein protein and that’s a type of protein that’s particularly useful when it comes to gaining muscle and building strength, so if there’s one cheese that you consume, it’s gotta be cottage cheese. The fact that it’s slow-digesting is also massively important.
Fish is another vital source of protein and it should definitely make up a significant part of your diet. Perhaps the best type of fish to consume is tuna, but just about any omega-3 rich fish is good for muscle growth and building strength. Eating this type of fish will aid fat loss, helping to become leaner as you build your muscle, which is what many people are aiming for.

The Right Supplements
It’s important to use the right supplements as well. If you’re going to be in the gym a lot and lifting weights, supplements will help you to maximize those activities and ensure you get the biggest possible gain in terms of your muscle growth from each and every session. Head to if you want to find the supplements that are best for you.
Lean Beef
There are plenty of good reasons why lean beef is seen as a vital part of any bodybuilders diet. Of course, you don’t have to be a bodybuilder or anything like one in order to benefit from the benefits brought about by lean beef when building muscle. It contains plenty of vital things such as iron, zinc, and B-vitamins, all of which will help your muscle growth.
One of the most important things about eggs is the way in which they contain very high-quality protein. They also contain plenty of vitamin D and the right kinds of healthy fats. Eggs are also very accessible and affordable, making them a staple for anyone looking to build their strength and grow their muscles. You should definitely make them part of your diet.
As you can see, there are plenty of foods that are very good at helping you build your strength and grow your muscles. These foods are not the only ones though; oatmeal, whey protein and the right fruit and vegetables should also be a part of your diet. And the importance of weight and strength training also can’t be ignored, of course.