*This is a collaborative post
Your skin is delicate. Therefore it’s important that you take care of it properly. From setting a daily skincare routine to making sure that your health is in check, you should ensure that you take time every day to look after it. But what products should you use on it? This is very much dependent on the type of skin that you have. Using the wrong products on your skin can make it worse. So it’s important that you first understand your skin type and how it changes throughout the year.
Skin Types
Dry Skin
This type of skin is common around the world. You can have dry skin due to a number of reasons – from hormonal changes to the climate and your diet. Although you can help to combat dry skin by drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol and caffeine (diuretics that can dry your skin out), you should also purchase skin care products designed specifically for it.
Every morning and night, make sure that you exfoliate your skin with a cleanser that has non-abrasive ingredients. This will help to remove the skin’s natural oils and promote skin cell turnover. In terms of moisturizer, the most appropriate type are those that continue hyaluronic acid, glycerine and actives from the sea (such as algae) – which will deliver water directly to the skin cells. It’s important to find a balance in your skincare routine and that you don’t overdo it. If you exfoliate too aggressively, you could be left with skin that’s red-raw. To find out more about the products you should use and the treatments, take a look at the complete guide for how to treat dry skin by Clarins.
Combination Skin
This type of skin will mean that you have an oily T-zone and dryness on your cheeks. It might initially seem hard to treat, but in reality, it’s a lot easier than you think. You simply need to find a light moisturiser that will hydrate your cheeks. For your T-zone, you can use jojoba oil. Jojoba oil carries an array of benefits that you can reap – from being an antioxidant to helping to control the production of sebum. You should treat each area of your face differently when you have this skin type, to ensure that the specific area is looked after correctly.
No matter what product you use for your combination skin, it’s important to not over-moisturise so that you don’t irritate the skin. It’s also good to remember that your skin won’t be completely changed overnight – it will take a while for your skin to get used to the products and for them to start working.
Oily Skin
Excess oil, whether it’s on your face or your body can leave pores clogged. The good news, however, is that oily skin will make your face look younger as it has more moisture. Although if it’s aggravating you, it’s good to know how you can reduce it with the help of the right products and routine.
You can use a gentle exfoliator, to remove the excess oil and help to clear your pores. Revealing new skin cells and balancing the texture of your skin, oily skin will be no more. Alongside purchasing exfoliators and cleansers to help remove the excess sebum, you could also use blotting paper. Blotting paper is a handy accessory to have in your bag, to help remove the oil when you are on the go. If you wear makeup and have oily skin, try to use skin primer on your eyes and face before applying foundation and eyeshadow. This will prevent the makeup from looking shiny.
Normal Skin
Very few people have this type of skin. But if you are lucky enough to have it, it’s good to know how to look after it. Normal skin refers to well-balanced skin that’s not too dry and not too oily. It will have fine pores, a smooth texture, good blood circulation and no blemishes. However, it is prone to sensitivity so you should still follow a skincare routine and not neglect it by following a poor diet. For normal skin, it’s recommended that you use a hydrating moisturiser, a calming cleanser, SPF sunscreen and toners that have antioxidants in them. The products that work for you, will be dependent on your specific skin and it’s essential that you remember that one size doesn’t fit all!
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin can sometimes be challenging to manage and it takes time to work out what ingredients cause irritation and inflammation. So if you have sensitive skin, don’t rush into buying skincare products. Get to know your skin and introduce one product or formula at a time. If you want to test what reaction your face might have to a product, do a patch test on your arm. If your skin doesn’t become irritated, it is probably ok to use on your face. If you do have any concerns, however, it’s vital that you visit your doctor. When you are purchasing products, you should take a look at the ingredients. Pay close attention to what’s in the products to ensure that it won’t irritate your skin. Usually, a good product for sensitive skin will be one that’s free of mineral oil, phthalates, DEA, synthetic fragrances and parabens – which can cause inflammation and redness.
Acne-Prone Skin
Acne is incredibly annoying. Affecting millions of people around the world, both on their faces and their bodies, it’s good to know how to treat it. People of all ages can develop acne and they will try to cover it up with thick makeup. However, heavy makeup could be making the problem worse as it suffocates the skin. To control acne properly, you should use a light exfoliant regularly, keep hydrated, exercise, use a face wipe before bed and eat foods that prevent inflammation – such as blueberries and almonds.
How to Determine Your Skin Type
There are two methods that you can use to determine what your skin type is. The first being the ‘bare-faced method’. For this method, you clean your face with water and a mild cleanser before gently patting it dry. Don’t put anything on your skin and leave it clear for at least half an hour. You will then be able to determine if your skin type is oily, dry, normal, sensitive or combination. Once you identify this, you can start to care for it properly.
You could also use a blotting sheet. For this method, gently pat the paper around your face. You should then hold the sheet up to the light, seeing how much oil is on it. If there is no oil, chances are that you have dry skin. If the oil is on your nose, chin and forehead, you are likely to have either normal or combination skin. If it’s covered in oil, then you more than likely have oily skin. Blotting paper can easily be bought either in shops or online from places such as Amazon.
Can Your Skin Type Change?
Unfortunately, it can. Over time your skin type can change – this can occur because of certain medications, medical problems, pregnancy, seasonal changes, hormonal changes etc. It’s important that if you notice a change in your skin, you start to care for it accordingly. If you’re unsure as to what type of product is now suitable, you should also do your research online, paying close attention to customer reviews. No one wants to spend hundreds of pounds on expensive products, without research. So before you go out and splash your cash, take a look at online articles that recommend certain products.
When You Should See Your Doctor or Dermatologist
The first indication that you should visit a doctor or dermatologist is if your issues with your skin don’t go away after using the purchased products. For example, if you have acne, you will probably have to be prescribed antibiotics and a special cream. Your skin type can also affect how specific products work – for example, if you use the wrong one, it can cause redness or breakouts. Your doctor or dermatologist can recommend what products to use and what to avoid to ensure that your skin stays healthy, rejuvenated and refreshed.
Final Thoughts
So, there you go! This is a brief guide on how to determine your skin type and the different ways that you can look after it. No one knows how to look after their skin straight away. Take your time, test out different products, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and you will be able to maintain your skincare. It’s important that you take time for yourself and adjust the products to fit your exact skin type, so that you aren’t left with skin that’s inflamed, itchy or over-sensitive. At the end of the day, everyone is different and there isn’t a solution that suits all. By not rushing into purchasing, you will discover what your skin type is.