This easy, Easter Chocolate Bark is covered in Creme eggs, caramel eggs, mini eggs and golden eggs. A total egg overload, this recipe is fun to make and perfect for adults and kids alike!
Well, this week escalated from normal to crazy in about 30 seconds. I’m in need of a mega chunk of this Easter Chocolate Bark to help process the events of this week.
My back has been really bad for over a week now and the past few days the pain got so intense and it felt different to my normal flare ups. I’ve had a bad back for 10 years and I know what’s wrong with my back and I know that it flares up sometimes and what they feel like, but this was different and I hadn’t done anything where I’d felt it twinge.
The pain was radiating out in different ways – I usually get pain down my back and legs, but this was down the legs and across my back and around my hips – the sciatica was off the charts, every single step resulted in a sharp nerve pain down my legs.
I also have this weird clicking in the centre of my back when I walk or twist, numbness in my legs and I’ve been having trouble going to the loo. I was eventually persuaded to go to the Doctor and work were great about letting me go early as it was the only appointment I could get.
I mean, they’ve been able to tell how bad it’s been recently as I’ve spent the last few days hobbling around. I’ve been finding it ridiculously difficult to stand up for any length of time which is not great when you have to stand in a bakery for 6 hours straight three times a week. It got to the point where my legs and muscles were shaking from me trying to hold myself in a way to get relief from my back pain.
So, I go to the Doctor, she does an examination and then says I need to go to A&E immediately and I should have gone there first. She then rings the orthopaedic on call at the hospital and he says to get me there immediately as they’re worried I have spinal cord compression which could be damaging all kinds of stuff with my legs/bladder/back. I wasn’t meant to drive or even walk, but I had driven myself to the Doctors, so I had to drive home.
We can see the hospital from our house which is lucky, but I still wasn’t able to walk there, so I rang my husband as I left the doctor’s and he came home immediately to drive me to A&E.
I had blood taken – twice. The first vein said no thank you and no blood would come out, so she had to try again. I am someone who feels sick at the thought and feel of a needle in their arm, so I was trying not to be sick while she was tugging at my arm.
I had an examination which was interesting… I’ve now had a needle poked somewhere you should never be poking needles (to see how numb I was). Then they said they’d try and get me an MRI, but I may have to stay in overnight with a cannula in my arm. I was DREADING that, but somehow the Doctor managed to get me a rushed MRI at 6:30pm.
We got the MRI results within 30 minutes and it’s good news. I don’t have the incredibly long winded name thing I can’t remember, but it basically means spinal cord compression. I’ve never been so relieved as to find out that with every step I take, I’m not risking being paralysed. The doctor was saying that if I did have it, I would be in an ambulance right away and on my way to another hospital for surgery that night.
So, there’s still stuff wrong with my back and he said I should get a second opinion from another surgeon and then work on my pain medication, but they were asked a question in terms of an emergency and they answered it, so that is good news!
I’m under strict orders to rest for the next few days which is happening to a point, but hey I’m still here working albeit with my feet up in my pjs. Still very sore and if I stand up, it’s only 30 seconds before I have to sit down again, but I’m just beyond relieved and sorry that I scared my family. I’m also thankful to the NHS and all the wonderful doctors and nurses who took care of me.
We did have an epic journey home though. I was in a hospital wheelchair and we were joking with the doctor’s that we could borrow it as we live so close to the hospital and they let us! We got some incredibly strange looks as it probably looked like we were stealing a wheelchair!! Hubby did take it back!
Now, let’s talk chocolate and Easter. Combine the two and you get this awesome, easy to make Easter Chocolate Bark. I decided that we all needed a chocolate bark recipe with a myriad of mini eggs, golden eggs, creme eggs and caramel eggs.
This is complete egg overload bark! The best thing about this recipe? You don’t have to use the exact same eggs I used, you can use any you like! We get these crunchy milky bar mini eggs which I very nearly put on this bark – they are a favourite!
We also get little Oreo filled eggs and Lindor eggs – the possibilities are endless!
Bark is so easy to make and perfect for kids to decorate too. You need very few ingredients and it’s totally delicious and addictive.

Easter Chocolate Bark
- 12 oz (340g) milk chocolate
- 1/2 cup (110g) Cadbury Mini Eggs
- 1/2 cup (100g) Galaxy Golden Eggs
- 1/2 cup (70g) Galaxy Caramel Mini Eggs, halved
- 1/2 cup (80g) Cadbury Mini Creme Eggs, halved
- Line a baking tray with a piece of grease proof paper and leave to one side.
- Place the milk chocolate into a heat proof bowl and place in the microwave in 20 second increments, stirring between each one, until all the chocolate is melted and smooth. Alternatively, you can place the bowl on top of a small saucepan of simmering water and stir until melted.
- Pour the chocolate onto your lined baking tray and then spread out with a small angled spatula into an even layer, around 2mm/just over 1/16th of an inch thick.
- Place your halved caramel and creme eggs randomly over the melted chocolate and then fill in the gaps with mini eggs and golden eggs. Just sprinkle until all of the chocolate is covered in eggs!
- Leave to set for 30 mins, before placing in the fridge to set completely.
- Once set, either break bark into pieces or use a knife to cut shards of bark. I found it easier to break the bark as with all the eggs on it, it makes it harder to find a path to cut!
- Easter Chocolate Bark will keep in an airtight container, at room temperature, for 5 days.
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