These Raspberry Coconut Bars are super simple to make and with their shortbread base, raspberry jam middle and desiccated coconut topping, they are a combination of sweet, crunchy and tart in one portable dessert!
Can you believe it? A new recipe from me!!
That’s right folks, I am BACK. And I have a simple, super satisfying portable treat for you today in these Raspberry Coconut Bars!
Firstly, can we talk about weddings? Oh yes… wedding planning started properly last week as the Mr was off of work. OMG. Send help. It’s totally overwhelming! There’s so much to think of.
So far we’ve decided on a year, month, place and colour scheme.* Oh… and I’ve chosen a cake topper (glittery, of course), found the ties and decided on wedding favours… all the important stuff then! We still don’t know the exact venue… probably should sort that out!
(* by “we” I mean me on the colour thing. He doesn’t care if I turn up in a sack)
Mr Annie’s Noms does not get the whole colour thing. He was like “why do I have to wear a tie to match the bridesmaids?” And I was like “Erm… so you look like you’re actually a part of the wedding party, rather than some random hanger-on!”
I’ve also started a scrapbook though for hair, dress and decor ideas, because I have a gazillion pins saved to my wedding board and now is the time to go back through them and actually use them for inspiration. 😉
I’m glad that I have a couple of years to plan everything, I’m not a bridezilla and don’t plan on being one as I’m too laid back, but I will be making a lot of stuff myself (or at least trying to) so it’s good that there’s plenty of time to get things done right!
We’re still 100% marrying abroad with only a few friends and family and then having a party when we get back, so a lot of the planning is going into the party as that’s when we’ll have our cake and table centrepieces. The key word is “party” though; we are celebrating the fact we got married, not having a reception, I won’t be wearing my dress and it will be laid back and fun.
Of course, our favours are going to be edible and we just have to have a sweet bar! I’ve also tasked myself with making our cake… any folks out there who have made their own wedding cake? Tips would be welcome!
Obviously there’s going to be sprinklings of glitter as well because, hello, this is my wedding and I adore anything sparkly! 😀 But anyway, onto other things, food related things!
I used my go-to shortbread recipe to make the base for these; it’s super buttery, melt in your mouth, yet crunchy. Shortbread perfection!
A note: my shortbread recipe does not make a dough that you bring together or knead; it’s a crumbly mixture with lumps of butter that you tip into the pan and push into the pan. Trust me, it totally works!
Now, let’s talk about that topping; I used an entire jar of raspberry jam (preserves) – you know I don’t scrimp on toppings or fillings! Then I baked it until the jam was bubbly and slightly golden around the edges.
After allowing the bars to cool slightly, I then sprinkled a generous helping of desiccated coconut on top. Of course, if you want a crunchy topping, you can use a cooks blowtorch to lightly brown the coconut, or spread the coconut out on a baking tray and toast it in the oven, but I prefer it as it comes, so I didn’t toast mine!
Once they’re cool, remove from the pan, slice and DEVOUR!
Buttery, crunchy, tart, sweet and with that extra coconut texture, divine. Honestly, these are heavenly, you are sure to love them! You can also use other flavoured jams if you want, strawberry, blackcurrant… now I’m drooling thinking about new variations of these bars I need to make!

Raspberry Coconut Bars
- For the shortbread base:
- 1 1/2 sticks (170g) unsalted butter, left out of the fridge for 20 mins
- 1 3/4 cups (245g) plain flour
- 2 tbsp cornflour
- 3 tbsp icing sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- For the topping:
- 12 oz (340g) jar of raspberry jam/preserves; I used seedless
- 1/2 cup - 2/3 cup (45g-60g) desiccated coconut, toasted if desired
- Preheat the oven to 180C/350F and grease and line an 8x8 inch square pan.
- Place butter, flour, cornflour, sugar and salt into a large bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer and mix on med-high speed for 3-4 minutes until you have coarse breadcrumbs and an even, crumbly mixture (see note for more info). Add in the vanilla extract and mix for around 30 seconds to incorporate it.
- Tip the shortbread into your prepared pan and press the mixture into a level layer with the bottom of a cup/spatula/clean hands. Press it in pretty hard! It should look smooth and tightly packed.
- Place in the oven for 12-15 minutes until slightly puffy and it feels slightly firm, you're not looking for any colouring at this stage.
- Remove from the oven and leave to one side whilst you place the jam into a medium sized bowl and microwave it for 10-20 seconds, just to make it easier to spread.
- Spoon the jam on top of the shortbread and smooth into a level layer with a spatula, cover all of the shortbread.
- Place into the oven for 15-20 minutes until ever so slightly golden around the edges and the jam is bubbling all over.
- Leave to cool for 30-40 minutes before sprinkling the desiccated coconut all over the jam.
- Leave to cool completely before transferring to a cutting board to slice into 9-12 bars.
- Raspberry Coconut Bars will keep in an airtight container, at room temperature, for 4 days.
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