These divine No-Bake S’mores Bars are just perfect for super hot days! Layers of crushed biscuits, melted chocolate and fluffy marshmallows toasted and then set in the fridge before being sliced into bars; even the kids can get involved!
So….. I had an MRI a few weeks ago and I didn’t know exactly how long it would be until I got the results, but when I got a call from the Doctor’s surgery saying it came back abnormal and I had to make an appointment to get the results, I just thought they were going to say I had slipped discs still… or maybe a weakness in the bones.
By the morning of the appointment, I was feeling pretty anxious and it would seem I had every right to be. You see, things are a lot worse in there than I imagined and I’m now heading towards back surgery.
I am freaking TERRIFIED. But I know that I can’t continue living in this much pain. It’s affecting the quality of my life. The other night I was in tears because of the pain and I am usually so strong and determined not to let it affect me. But… I think I’m going to have to accept the fact that this does affect my life.
I literally can’t stand up for more than 20 minutes, I’m on pretty strong pain patches, but they don’t seem to be touching it either. Nothing is and I get so frustrated as I should be able to do stuff and work, but I have to rest. And I HATE resting.
So yeah. Life is fun… with bits of bone growing on my spine and nerves which control my legs being pushed around and leaking disc fluid all up in there… then there’s the numb patches where signals aren’t coming down my spine far enough. Such fun.
I’m going to try and keep on top of all things blog related, but I hope you’ll understand if I’m a little slow and not always posting. I have no idea when my appointment with the surgeon will come through and at the moment I’m just trying to take it day by day.
Anyway. Chocolate.
Summer has finally begun and it is scorching hot here. So, the thought of the oven being on almost makes me sweat on the spot.
Hence the need for some No-Bake bars of the S’mores variety.
These are so easy to make. A layer of crushed biscuits, a layer of melted chocolate and then some marshmallows. To give them that toasty top, you can either use the cook’s blow torch or put them under the grill for a few minutes.
Don’t do what I did though…
They were only very lightly brown one second, so I shut the door on the oven, turned my back for 20 seconds and we almost had a fire situation.
Luckily, I managed to save the bars and my kitchen. So it’s all good! 🙂
And I just had to share these with you. They’re good straight out of the fridge, warm, slightly melty… straight out of the oven with their toasted, gooey marshmallow top.
Yeah. You need these.

No-Bake S’mores Bars
- 2 cups (240g) digestive/graham cracker crumbs
- 1 stick (113g) unsalted butter melted and slightly cooled
- 1 cup (175g) milk chocolate
- 1 cup (175g) dark chocolate
- 20-30 large white marshmallows (really depends on the size; we don't get huge marshmallows here, so I needed 30!)
- Spray an 8x8 inch square pan with cooking spray and leave to one side.
- Pour your slightly cooled melted butter over the digestive crumbs and stir until all crumbs are coated in butter.
- Tip into your greased pan and press into an even layer with the back of a spoon/cup/your hand.
- Place milk and dark chocolate into a heatproof bowl and place in the microwave in 20 second increments, stirring in between until all the chocolate is melted. Leave to cool for a couple of minutes.
- Pour over your biscuit layer and smooth over until you have entirely covered the biscuits and have a smooth layer of chocolate.
- Press marshmallows into the melted chocolate in rows until chocolate layer is covered in marshmallows.
- Leave to cool for 30 minutes, before putting in the fridge until set, 3-4 hours.
- Once set, either place under the grill for 30 seconds to 1 minute or using a cook's blow torch, torch until marshmallows are brown and crunchy on top.
- Slice into bars and store in an airtight container, in the fridge, for 4 days. You can serve chilled, at room temperature or slightly warmed in the microwave.
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