*This is a collaborative post.
Feeling beautiful is not just limited to the way we see ourselves in the mirror. Feeling beautiful is a far more loaded phenomenon than that, and it has a lot to do with our sense of self-confidence and what we are willing to believe. And the truth is, the more self-confidence you have, the more attractive you become to yourself and others. Beauty is a very subjective thing, and what really matters is how you feel about yourself. Who really cares if some person you have never seen before in your life thinks you are attractive or not. The first step in helping yourself to feel more beautiful is stopping the constant negative thinking. Instead, you should be trying to boost yourself. Only by mastering your mind can you feel the way you want to, which leads us to the first way to make yourself feel more beautiful.

Be Kind To Yourself
If you have a negative mindset and continually put yourself down, you are not doing yourself any favours. You will constantly be destroying your self-confidence and causing a self-perpetuating depression. You need to change your mindset and instead of seeing the negative, concentrate on the positive. This is not specifically related to your appearance, though it can be. The more you focus on what you are good and what you are grateful for, the more you will garner a better sense of self-confidence, which will make you feel more beautiful. Beauty really does come from within. No matter who you are or what you look like, your mindset is the key to your happiness and overall sense of well-being.
Try New Scents
Every woman should have a decent array of perfumes and fragrances to wear. Applying a more scent will not only make you feel better, but it will actually make you appear more attractive to others. Ever walked past someone and thought, wow that smells nice? Well, there you have it! Scent actually has a huge impact on how we view each other. So, when you are feeling a little down, spray a little perfume that will have a positive effect and definitely make you feel more confident and beautiful.
A Little Indulgence
There is no real honour these days in completely abstaining from the things you love. So, that means on occasion, you need to treat yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are a full-time Mom with many and various commitments. Every now and again, you have to kick your feet up and allow the stresses and strains of the world around you to melt away and disappear. By doing this, you are actually recharging your batteries, ensuring you don’t fall into burnout, and paying closer attention to your needs. If you feel like taking an hour-long bath will make you feel like you again, take it and don’t spend the whole time worrying that you should be doing something more productive. The vacuuming can wait! The fact is by treating yourself to a little indulgence, you are increasing your sense of self-value in your own eyes. You are worthy of an expensive gift every now and again, and by taking care of your own wants and needs, you will feel more confident, worthy, and beautiful as a result. That cannot be a bad thing, can it? No!
You have probably already guessed that exercise would make the list, but that is for a very good reason. It really is a great thing to do if you want to boost how you feel about yourself and make you feel more beautiful. Thinking about ways to increase your levels of self-esteem, then adding a bit of exercise into your regime is an absolute must. This is for many reasons. First of all, it is a great way to care for yourself. By paying more attention to your health you will be subconsciously and consciously improving the way you feel. Exercise is a great stress killer, so by removing levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from the body, you are able to feel more relaxed. In addition to removing harmful hormones, it actually floods the body with happy chemicals called endorphins which improve your mood. By improving your mood, releasing yourself from negativity, and getting fit – which does wonders for your appearance on the whole anyway, from your skin to your waistline – you will begin feeling more beautiful.
Look Your Best
Don’t underestimate the power and control you have over the way you feel about your appearance when you pay close attention to how you look. If you are really struggling with low self-confidence about the way you look, the last thing you should do is leave the house looking your worse. You should invest in yourself and look after your hair, skin, teeth, etc. Why not look at some blonde balayage hair colour ideas. Changing your hair colour and style can have a huge impact on your self-confidence. Also, invest in some decent moisturizers and make-up. Make-up can make you feel so much better about yourself. If you’re not used to writing make-up you don’t have to go overboard, some pretty nude colours can do the trick just much as full coverage can. In fact, if you are not used to wearing make-up, nude colours are a great way to get you used to wearing it.
Get a new Wardrobe
This could be added onto the look your best section, but a little retail therapy can do wonders. Try new colours, especially reds if you are not used to them. Donning red is an instant way to make you look and feel more beautiful. When you go clothes shopping it is best you are honest with yourself. Even if you are carrying a few extra pounds, it does not mean you can’t look beautiful. The key is it get clothes that fit you and suit your body shape. If you don’t know your body shape, it is best you find out. You may have been wearing the wrong clothes your whole life. So once you know your shape, search for clothes that suit that shape before going shopping. You could even hire a stylist if you have a few dollars to spare. Wearing the right clothes in uplifting colours can have an extremely positive effect on your sense of self-confidence. Imagine when you start getting compliments too.
Take a Compliment
If you are lucky enough to receive a compliment, do not respond by pointing out your flaws. This is not conducive to building self-confidence. The act of being able to take a compliment is testament to how you are improving your mental health with regards to your appearance. Conversely, it is also a great idea to give out compliments. It actually encourages the release of dopamine in the brain, which is the chemical that makes you feel happy. So not only may you make someone’s day, but you will actually be making yourself happier by proxy. That really is a win-win situation.
Have a Little More Fun
Life doesn’t always have to be so serious, you are allowed to have fun, you know. Even if you are a mother of five and trying to maintain a full-time job. Sometimes you need to see the funny side of things. This may be easier said than done, but laughing can actually make you feel so much better as well as increasing your immunity. Feeling beautiful is so much about how you feel, so if you feel well, laugh a lot and enjoy life, you will begin to shine, and everything will seem so much brighter.