*This is a collaborative post.
Aging is inevitable, but why not put if off as long as possible? There are lots of things that you can do to stay looking and feeling youthful, vibrant, and full of energy. Here’s how you can stay young as long as possible.

Stay Out Of The Sun
Always wear a sunscreen with at least a 30 SPF rating, even when it’s overcast outside. Make sure your SPF is broad-spectrum, which means it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. No matter what the weather is, there are always UV rays around that could damage your skin. You should reapply your sunscreen every few hours so your skin stays protected.
Damage from the sun is linked to many of the visible signs of aging. UV rays break down elastic, which is the tissues that keeps the skin elastic. This results in the skin becoming dull and saggy. Skin tone becomes uneven, and wrinkles and age spots appear. The damage might not show for a while, so prevention is better than cure.
Consider Surgery
Plastic surgery isn’t for everyone, but there are lots of options that can keep you looking much younger. Whether you want a simple cosmetic procedure like botox or a full facelift, consider the options carefully. Speak to your doctor about the work you are considering and make sure it is something you definitely want.
Eat A Plant-Rich Diet
Staying young and healthy is much easier to do when your diet is full of fruits and vegetables. Supplement this with lean protein and whole grains. This kind of diet is packed with important nutrients that support healthy aging on the inside and the outside.
Drink Plenty Of Water
If you want to look younger naturally, then you need to drink six to eight glasses of water every day to keep your skin supple and your health in good shape.
Being well hydrated is the best skincare there is. When you are dehydrated, your skin becomes dry and wrinkled. When you’re hydrated, tissues and skin cells are replenished, which keeps skin looking younger and healthier.
Stay Physically Active
You should be active every day. Vigorous exercise can slow aging a lot, as exercise increases your blood flow. This moves oxygen and nutrients to the working cells in your body, including your cells, making you look more youthful.
Exercise is also linked to maintaining muscle mass and strength, maintaining brain volume in the areas that affect motor control, fewer menopausal hot flashes, improved memory and better brain function. All this adds up to better brain function as you age, and adds years to your life.
Avoid Tobacco Products
Smoking is one of the worst things that you can do to your skin and body. Avoiding tobacco is essential is you want to stay looking young for longer.
Cigars and cigarettes reduce the amount of vitamin C in your body. This leads to a breakdown in collagen, making wrinkles form. Smoking also causes your skin to become dehydrated, giving you a dry, dull complexion. The action of smoking also contributes to a lot of fine lines around the mouth.
Limit Alcohol And Coffee
Alcohol is fine in moderation, but too much alcohol and caffeine can have a very negative impact on your health and your appearance. Both of these dehydrate you and deplete the body of important nutrients. Alcohol causes the blood vessels in the face to dilate, so if you drink too much, this effect can become permanent. This results in your face remaining red and flushed with spidery veins.
Adopt A Skin Care Regimen
Your daily skincare routine should start with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Apply a moisturizer to hydrate your skin to keep it firm and elastic, and to reduce the appearance of fine lines. Look for ingredients like green tea extracts, vitamins A, C and E, hyaluronic acid will help to protect you from free-radicals, increase your collagen levels, and retain your moisture levels.
Boost With Nutritional Supplements
Skin begins to age due to a combination of biological and environmental factors. A healthy diet is important but you should also use ant-aging supplements and beauty supplements which helps to cover any gaps in your nutrition. Supplements can help you to feel younger by boosting your energy levels too, improving your mood and immune function, and keeping inflammation at bay.
Keep yourself feeling and looking younger with these easy tips. Your diet, exercise routine, and skincare routine can all contribute to staying young for years to come.