*This is a collaborative post

There are lots of green tea products on the market, but none of them come close to matcha, in terms of nutritional value and antioxidants. This is because when you drink Matcha green tea, you consume the entire leaf, as it has been ground to a fine powder. However, with other forms of green tea, you essentially throw away most of the goodness.
So, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Matcha tea in further detail. Matcha can have a positive impact on your cholesterol. Research shows that those who drink this tea have higher levels of HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol, and lower levels of LD (bad) cholesterol. It can also help to boost endurance and increase energy levels. This is because of the unique combination of nutrients as well as the presence of caffeine. In fact, the presence of L-Theanine leads to increased endurance for up to six hours.
Despite this, you won’t experience any side effects that occur from over stimulants, such as hypertension and nervousness. Matcha has also been proven to assist with weight loss. It boosts metabolism, making it a great addition to any weight loss program like cleanse and reset. A recent study has suggested that this tea can help burn calories by four times the usual rate. It is also high in antioxidants, which helps the body to fight illnesses and disease. In fact, it provides five times the amount of antioxidants when compared with any other type of food.
The Presence Of L-Theanine
Buy Matcha tea powder and award your body with the benefits that are associated with L-Theanine. Of course, Matcha contains an abundance of different catechins and antioxidants, and L-Theanine is just one of them. Nevertheless, this amino acid leads to many incredible benefits, as you will discover below.
One thing that is unusual about Matcha is the fact that it contains caffeine, and naturally because of this it gives a good energy burst, however, unlike coffee, you will not experience a jittery rush. The reason for this is because of the presence of L-Theanine. This has the purpose of creating a more relaxing and balanced energy. This ensures your focus and concentration levels are boosted and you do not feel agitated or overexcited. L-Theanine is able to achieve this because it stimulates the alpha brain waves, which leads to a state of calm alertness and mental clarity, which is commonly associated with meditation practice. L-Theanine is actually present in most green teas, but you will find much more of it in Matcha green tea powder. It can also help to improve sleep quality while lowering high blood pressure and having a protective effect on the brain too. Nonetheless, the benefits of this amino acid are not only health related. It actually gives it its colour and ensures that it is naturally sweet, unless the leaves have not been shaded during growth, which creates bad quality Matcha.
The History Of Matcha Green Tea
Japanese green tea Matcha has been around for a lot longer than most people realise. Because this product is receiving increased attention all over the world as of late, many people have assumed that it is a new phenomenon. However, this could not be further from the truth. Matcha green tea has been consumed for thousands of years. Read on to discover more about its history below.
Matcha has long been used by Monks in Japan as a way to increase their focus and enhance relaxation during long periods of sitting. However, the origins can be traced back to the Chinese Tang Dynasty. The Zen monks are credited with turning green leaves into a powder form, which is what Matcha is. They discovered how to pulverise green tea leaves so that it could then be dried into brick form. This made it extremely convenient and meant that green tea could now be transported. All they needed to do was break a piece of green tea off and stir it into hot water.
Nevertheless, while Chinese Zen monks stumbled across this process, it is Japan that has a strong connection with Matcha tea. This tradition has been on-going since Eisai Myoan, a Japanese monk, brought the custom to the country in the 1100s. This lead to the creation of chanoyu, which is the Japanese tea ceremony. This is a ceremony that is all about respect, grace, and good etiquette. It still takes place today and Matcha is as popular in Japan as it ever has been.
Where To Buy Plus Different Ways To Consume It
If you take a look on the Internet, you will find plenty of places to purchase Matcha powder from. It is vital to narrow down your search effectively. Take the time to do a bit of research and be sure of quality before you buy. It is a good idea to read comments that have been left by past customers, as this will give you an honest insight into the quality of the Matcha. You should also look for a company that places a strong emphasis on providing Matcha that is a vibrant green colour. The best retailers sell premium grade Matcha, and the brighter it is, the better. They will make this known on their website, as they will want to show that their product is of the highest standard. In addition to this, awards and recognition from industry bodies serves as a great stamp of an excellent product. Now you know some things to bear in mind when looking for Matcha, but how can you get your fix? A lot of people think that Matcha can only be consumed as a hot tea drink, but this is not the case. There are so many Matcha recipes online, including Matcha lattes, muffins, smoothies, pancakes, crepes, soup, ice cream, and even fudge.
How To Tell If Matcha Is Of A High Quality
A lot of people have a tendency to assume that all Matcha is the same, but that is certainly not the case. There are some companies that sell poor quality Matcha and it is important to know the difference.
First and foremost, it is vital to stress the importance of doing your research before you buy Matcha green tea. You are not going to be able to tell if Matcha is truly of a good or bad quality until you receive it. So, to avoid receiving poor quality tea, the best thing to do is look for a supplier that has good feedback in the industry and other marks of quality, such as awards. If you do this, you are likely to receive the vibrant coloured Matcha that smells and tastes how it should.
Once your tea arrives, you will definitely be able to tell whether you have purchased quality Matcha or not. The first thing to look out for is the colour. If it is dull green, yellowish, or even brownish in colour, it is of a bad quality. It is likely that the Matcha is past its prime or that it includes stems and branches. Matcha should have a vibrant spring green colour. The smell is another indicator, as it should be fresh and inviting. If it smells stale and dusty, that is another bad sign. Of course, the taste will certainly indicate what level of quality you have bought. Matcha should be tasty and naturally sweet.