Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another wedding update and as we get closer and closer to the big day, it just seems like there’s a never ending list of things to do!! For previous updates check here, here and here.
We’ve sent out all of our party invites and it’s been so exciting getting the RSVPs back and seeing who is coming! Now that everyone has received their invites, I can show you what they look like! I followed the same theme as the actual wedding invites, but just changed a few little bits. So here they are:
A white box means I’ve covered a name/address!

Wedding Update! – Party prep, wedding rings and notice of marriage!
My mum has started making the table runners and I’ve been getting prices for hiring of tables and chairs. We know what we’re doing with food (fish and chip van is booked!) and we’re most definitely having a dessert table where I make cupcakes, cookies and brownies along with us buying some Krispy Kreme doughnuts and having a pick and mix sweet table.
We’ve started buying all the drinks for the party as we’re having a free bar; as someone who doesn’t drink, this is a little overwhelming! I step down the alcohol aisle in the supermarket and am like “WHERE DO I START?!?!” – I honestly have no clue about any types of wine and if they’re good or not, so we’ve enlisted the help of some friends who do drink. We’re going to go around the supermarkets and just buy things when they’re on offer; so far we’ve got white wine, beer, cider and the spirits. We just need some red wine and a few more different types of beer then it’s onto soft drinks!
I’ve started doing a table plan which is proving difficult. Trying to put people in the right place and away from people they might not get on with without having random spare seats is more difficult than I thought!
Originally, I wasn’t going to do a table plan, but a friend of mine who got married last year said that if people are allowed to sit wherever, they’ll go into groups of people they know and then there will be odd seats where no one wants to sit; I’m planning on getting the amount of chairs we need, so there aren’t going to be extras for people who don’t want to sit with someone.
The image of what the tables will look like is slowly evolving and forming in my mind. It has changed a little, but basically the end goal is similar; gold, green, wood, fairy lights. It’s just how I’m actually positioning everything that has evolved slightly. I’ve drawn a few diagrams of what I want because Mr AN has no imagination and even though I’ve explained it many times, he still doesn’t understand what I want the tables to look like!
Chairs have been a headache this month…. who would have thought something as mundane as chairs would be a pain in my backside?!
The venue has chairs we can use… but they’re grey metal chairs and our theme is gold, green and wood. Normally I’m not somebody who is completely anal about things matching, but I’m adamant I don’t want those chair covers and sashes that you see at all weddings; I just want something different. This means we have to try and find “the perfect chair” – I think I’ve decided on a shape, but I can’t decide on a colour. And also the logistics of trying to get them to the barn and the fact the day after the party is Sunday is proving difficult. You try and find somewhere who will pick up on a Sunday morning. I need to check with our venue what we can do with tables and chairs because we have to be out by midnight Saturday, but we can’t make chairs and tables vanish!
The bridesmaids dresses and ties arrived yesterday! They’re beautiful and I can’t wait to see my girls in their dresses! I think Dad just needs to sort out his suit now as he wants to go and get one made for him at some place in London. Now we have the suits for my brother and Mr AN, he has a sample of the fabric so can get it matched. Then the whole party is clothed!
Our wedding rings arrived last month and they are PERFECT! I’m totally in love and as soon as I tried my on, it was comfortable and I didn’t want to take it off! It’s just stunning and I can’t wait to be able to wear it all the time!
What else…? Oh yes, this Friday we have an appointment with a registrar as we have to start the process of giving our notice of marriage. Since we have to go through a few extra steps; we have to start the process now, so the documents can be sent to Milton Keynes to get an official stamp. We then have to use special delivery to get the documents to Lapland before we are OK to get married there. This is the boring bit and I’m looking forward to it being done so we know 100% we can legally get married!
We’ve also had the list of activities for Lapland sent through and there’s plenty to keep us busy! This is the first holiday Mum, Dad and I have had in 14 years, so we’re wanting to really enjoy ourselves when we go! Mind you, I don’t want to jam pack every single day with activities because 1) I’m sure there will be last minute wedding stuff to do beforehand and 2) I do want to relax as well.
We all want to do snowmobiling and go on a sleigh ride hunting for the Northern lights. Sounds so magical and fun! There’s hikes, ice karting, visiting Santa, husky safaris… so much to do! We’ve just started buying all the layers we’re going to need to keep warm; it’s completely new for me and I’m having to research the best things to wear and the best way to layer as I know I feel the cold and I don’t want to be painfully cold! Thermals and a ridiculously warm goose down coat are top of the list!
Under 120 days to go….! It’s getting busy, but SUPER exciting now! I’ll be back with more updates soon!
All photos apart from invites and bridesmaids dresses are from PEXELS.
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