I’ve taken a giant jump… I’ve signed up for NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month. I’ve agreed to post a blog every day for the next 30 (well 29, I missed the 1st – oops…) The theme for the month is “jump” – I think I’ve taken a jump by agreeing to do this. I try and blog every 2-3 days, but I’m setting myself a challenge as I know that I have to set aside time every day, no matter how short an amount of time, to write. I’m hoping that by doing this you can get to know me a bit better as I feel that, although I have tried a lot harder in recent weeks, before I used to just post recipes and not give any sort of insight into my life and I want to get to know you better. I may not have recipes to post every day (although I do have some yummy ones coming up) but I shall write something every day, be it a bit of information about myself or what I’ve been up to.
So here’s to the next 29 days blogging π