*This is a collaborative post.
The likes of Instagram have driven a substantial increase in anxiety and depression for millions of women (and men) all over the world. Every day, they wake up and scroll through photo after photo of people with supple and stunning sun-kissed skin. When they look in the mirror, they might feel like they look awful in comparison. Most people have woken up to the fact that what you see on Instagram isn’t real, but the psychological damage is still there. Everyone should love what they see in the mirror, so consider these four tips to fall back in love with yourself.
Improve Your Sleep Schedule
Your beauty sleep is not just a phrase people use to explain why they are sleepy at eight-thirty on a Tuesday evening. Sleep and beautiful skin are intrinsically linked, so getting enough sleep every night can do wonders for improving your opinion of what you see in the mirror.
As you sleep, your skin creates new collagen which prevents wrinkles and keeps your skin from sagging. This also prevents bags under your eyes and helps you feel refreshed when you wake up. If you aren’t getting at least seven hours a night, you need to consider how to change your sleep schedule and stick to it, if you want to see results.
Take Care of Your Skin
You shouldn’t just rely on a good night’s sleep to improve your skin. You also need to think about what you do during the day and how this affects how your skin looks. A morning and evening skincare routine can clean your pores and moisturize your face, neck, and hands.
It’s also worth wearing sunscreen whenever you go out, even on overcast days during winter. Although it might not feel like it, your skin is still exposed to UV rays which could harm your skin.
Celebrate Your Wins
Everyone has their idea of what perfection looks like, which is why it can be so demoralizing when they don’t see the results they hoped immediately. The long journey towards the ideal you can make you wonder if anything is even happening, but something is happening and you need to give it time.
You can celebrate little wins by noticing changes here and there. If you used to wake up with blotchy skin, celebrate that this doesn’t happen anymore. If you’ve recently changed your hairstyle, give yourself a confidence boost when people compliment it. These may sound small, but they contribute to something much bigger.
Work With What You’ve Got
You are the only person who needs to be happy with how they look, so don’t be afraid to work with what you’ve got. This can apply to men just as much as women, so if you’re balding and wondering how does a hair transplant work or if it’s right for you, consider what you will do once it’s successful.
You can make the most of your current appearance by learning makeup and hairstyling techniques. No one is perfect, but those that might look perfect have learned how to work with what they have, and you can too.
Mirror, Mirror
You don’t need to be the fairest of them all, but you can still feel happy and confident when you look in the mirror before going to bed or going out for the day. These tips can help you rejuvenate your skin and feel more energetic, ensuring you are the fairest in your eyes.