*This is a collaborative post.
The beauty industry is very complex and hard to understand. On one hand, it’s an excellent place with lots of advice and tips relating to beauty. On the other hand, it’s full of lies and myths that lead a lot of us to think certain things about ourselves and others. The trick is understanding how to sieve out the lies, so you’re only left with the truth! With that in mind, here are the top lies the beauty industry has told you all your life:
Beautiful women have to look a certain way
The biggest lie is probably to do with the way women are ‘supposed’ to look. For decades, the beauty industry has very much marketed a type of woman as beautiful. This tends to be someone with a straight nose, defined cheekbones, fair skin, etc. Pretty women were depicted as having perfect bodies with a tiny waist, wider hips, and a large bust. If you deviated outside of these parameters, you never really got the sense that you were deemed beautiful!
In reality, this is one of the fattest lies you’ll ever come across. Times are changing, and more women are aware that there’s no such thing as a beautiful stereotype. Some brands – like Fenty Beauty – are making an active commitment to getting this message across. Now, we see women of all shapes and sizes with loads of different features acting as marketing material for some companies. The simple fact is that you don’t have to look a certain way to be beautiful; everyone is gorgeous in their own way, our uniqueness is what sets us apart from others!
Women should have no body hair
This is a lie that’s got its roots so firmly set in society we don’t tend to even think about it. As girls, you sort of see it as a rite of passage to start shaving your body. When you develop leg or arm hair, you instinctively know to shave it off. This idea comes from years of the beauty industry forcing the notion that women are hairless beings with the smoothest skin on planet earth!
Needless to say, there are no rules surrounding body hair. If you want to shave yours off, nobody will stop you. However, understand that you don’t have to be hairless! If you can’t be bothered to shave your legs for a few months in winter, then don’t do it. Nobody has a right to criticize you for something that naturally occurs in your body.
Plastic surgery is reserved for the egotistical elite
You recall the opening line of this post talked about how complicated the beauty industry is. Well, nothing explains the complexity quite like this lie. We’re taught women should look a certain way, but at the same time, we’re also taught that plastic surgery is ‘wrong.’ Whenever you see plastic surgery mentioned in the beauty industry, it’s usually used when talking about celebrities. It creates the idea that it’s something only reserved for rich people that want to fuel their egos.
Realistically, this isn’t true. Many young women have found massive confidence boosts because of surgery. Whether you find a cosmetic surgeon known for his natural-looking facelifts or work with someone to slightly alter your nose – cosmetic surgery can have many benefits. It may be the only way for some of you to get over something that’s haunted your life for years. The biggest misconception is that getting plastic/cosmetic surgery means you’re trying to look like a different person. Again, this comes from the beauty industry always showing us the most extreme surgeries out there. If you’ve got a hereditary double-chin and you despise the way it makes you look, a subtle surgery can drastically improve your life. Will it alter your entire appearance? No, but it removes something you have hated, helping you love yourself!
You always need the latest beauty products
Like every industry, the beauty world will constantly release new versions of products. As you well know, these products are advertised as the best things you absolutely need!
On the contrary, you rarely need the latest beauty products. In fact, you can use the same products for years on end and continue to see great results. It’s more about personal preference and what works best for you and your skin. Next time you need to buy something, consider repurchasing older products instead of splashing the cash on brand new ones that aren’t necessarily better.
Truthfully, this list could go on and on! However, these are the main lies the beauty industry has told all of us. It’s good to understand the lies so you no longer think a certain way.